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보도 및 홍보자료

STraffic InnoTrans Exhibitor Preview
  • Railway Gazette International : 철도, 메트로, 경전철 및 트램 산업에 관한 전 세계적인 소식을 다루는 영국의 월간 비즈니스 잡지입니다. 1835년에 The Railway Magazine으로 창간되었으며, 1905년에 Railway Gazette로 이름을 바꾸었고, 1970년에 현재의 이름인  Railway Gazette International로 개명되었습니다. 이 잡지는 전세계 140여개국에서 철도 산업에 종사하는 전문가와 의사결정자, 철도 관리자, 엔지니어, 컨설턴트 및 공급업체들이 구독하고 있습니다. 주요 기사들은 철도 인프라, 운영, 차량 및 신호 시스템 등 다양한 주제를 다루고 있습니다. STraffic InnoTrans Exhibitor PreviewSTraffic InnoTrans Exhibitor Preview

STraffic InnoTrans Exhibitor Preview

Sponsored by STraffic9 September 2024 /Save articlePlease Si

STraffic is a Korean company that has become a leading international provider of innovative, fit-for-purpose, and sustainable mobility solutions for urban mobility.

We are developers, designers, and project managers. Our work in the road and rail sectors improves operator performance and passenger experience.

Our team comprises highly skilled professionals, with 76% being engineers with over a decade of experience. We are deeply committed to innovation, investing 6% of our resources in research and development.

Since our inception, we have successfully delivered 900 projects for 250 clients across 15 countries.

In the rail sector, we offer comprehensive solutions, from system architecture design to full-scale development and integration.

Our expertise includes ST-KMX (Korean Train Control System), LTE-R communication systems, VPSD (Vertical Platform Screen Door) systems and AFC (Automatic Fare Collection) systems, all designed to meet industry standards.

Hall 3.2 Level 1 Stand 230-6 (Korean Rolling Stock Industry Stand, between Alstom and Business France)

Let’s meet!  

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에스트래픽(주) (13453) 경기도 성남시 수정구 금토로80번길 56, C동(금토동, 위든타워)
TEL : 031-739-9500사업자등록번호 : 144-81-09125